Wednesday 2 October 2013

Honey's Housacy Challenge Story Ch1, Part3

Oh, you're still reading along? Well, good, because I have something to show you:

There is an ice cream truck outside Lief's house.
Lief: 'You said it was a Bungalow"
Fine, outside Lief's bungalow, there is an adorable ice cream truck. This wouldn't be odd at all except for the fact it is 4:30 in the morning. Maybe it dropped by to offer ice cream for Lief's pancakes. He woke up with full energy and decided to have an early breakfast.

He then bathed and got dressed and adopted a dog and made the bed. What? Adopted a dog? Where is it? Well, that raggedy looking grey floppy thing on the floor over there isn't one of Lief's pillows. Nope, this is Rose (who I keep thinking is called Ruby for some reason). And she just arrived this morning after we placed the call to the local shelter last night. She's an elderly dog but she has a nice temperament and is fairly independent. She doesn't really know Lief very well yet though.  

My founder takes his new best friend outside to spend some quality time together. The idea was to play a few games of fetch together and create a bond that would become a friendship but alas, at this point it's more like a fiend-ship - she keeps biting Lief every time he tries to pet her. At least he's better at picking topics. Yetis and reedy ponds seem to be appropriate doggy interests.

In order to help the two bond faster and since two of Rose's traits say she's more likely to run away, Lief whips out the leash and takes Rosie for a walk. We're heading to the local dog park, hopefully to have some fun and meet other Sims and their pets. Friends for both Lief and Rose would be wonderful.

As they slowly stroll along the sidewalk, Rose stops to sniff things and Lief wistfully admires the houses around the neighbourhood, getting ideas for the bungalow. Everything is going pleasantly well. Even I feel relaxed just watching them, enjoying the nice weather and the sights.

At least, I was in the beginning but then I started to worry. This walk is taking an awfully long time and afternoon is dipping into evening as Lief and Rose meander at last into town. It's taken them so long to get this far and we still haven't reached the dog park!

By the time they finally reach the venue, it's getting late (approx. 7:30pm), and night has fallen. The park is located where the pool used to be since I didn't think we needed two pools in Sunset Valley. Ah well, since they've come all this way and spent all day to get here, we may as well look around.  

Lief takes Rose into the park with it's refreshing water fountain. Lief: "Gee, we came all the way here for this? Where are all the other dogs and their owners?" They've probably gone home. By the time you two arrived, the only ones left are a bored looking middle-aged woman and an elderly lady reading a book. Maybe she's a dog park trainer.

Lief: "She's looks pretty hungry...are you sure she doesn't eat dogs? I think Rose and I are going home" Ah well, it was a nice bit of exercise and Rose seems very happy. Her relationship with Lief has improved. Since I don't want to sit there all night while the two walk all the way back, Lief picks up his pal and they take a taxi. 

When they get home, it's a quick dinner for Lief - he's hungry after all that walking. Rose gets a chew toy and some dog food. It's cute that her toy's in the shape of a hot dog. And you can see the matching red toy crate and bowl.

Lief also got her a pet bed to complete the set. Rose dreams happily of lobster thermidor while the smells of Lief's cooking fill the cosy abode. Can dogs even eat lobster? I didn't know they liked it. Ah well, dreams are free.

Rose slept soundly in her bed until the wee hours of the morning, when she awoke because her energy needs were filled faster than her owner's. She went into Lief's room to chew a toy that had been left in there earlier. I thought this was rather cute.

Lief: "What is this? Squeaking! Why do you have to do it in here? Out, Rose - OUT!!"
Lief isn't so impressed. He seemed pretty outraged at being woken up by a squeaky toy at 3:00am and had a bit of a tanty. Something tells me he might be a little bit cranky today. Partly because he's also got a moodlet now that says he slept badly from the cheap bed.

He did calm down after getting bathed and dressed. And while he's up, he may as well fill Rose's food dish. Well, I'm happy - he still knows how to be a responsible pet owner.
Lief: "mumblegrumblemumble"

With the dog fed and watered (I will assume she has water in her wet food that keeps her hydrated. Lol), Lief sets about making his own breakfast. His cooking skills are slowly getting better. Rose watches him flipping the pancakes, completely forgetting she's just eaten her food.

And presto! She's rewarded for hanging around underfoot with a tasty morsel of pancake batter that flew out of the pan. Ha ha, I didn't know pets in Sims 3 could eat off the floor. It adds a touch of realism and humour. Lief is completely oblivious to the new bad habits he's creating. He's carefully tending the pancakes.

After breakfast, Rose goes outside and starts digging holes in the yard! Her little ears fly out like she's found something exciting and her curly tail is bobbed up in the air. I'm not sure adding holes in the lawn is going to do much to improve the look of Lief's bungalow though I suppose it can't make it any worse than it is. The rules didn't say anything about landscaping except that you can't change the lot the house is on, so I think we might be stuck with some ugly gardens throughout the story anyway. You go ahead and dig, Rosie dear.

Aha! A newspaper! I send Lief to pounce on it before it can moulder. He still needs to find a decent job. You may think any job will do yet that isn't so - I just can't see him being an athlete or a businessman or getting into politics. Lief is more laid-back. (Actually, he probably just wants it for the coupons, but we have to try).

He takes the paper inside and we search the wanted ads. Hmmm, there's still not a lot on offer, so Lief accepts a job as a Playground Monitor - and hello, we get a surprise! Lief's boss is apparently an attractive person - she also seems interested in Lief. It's hard to imagine her as the Principal of the local school but we might have just found our first candidate for future wife. Mrs Goth...hmm...not sure she'd like living here though. Lief: "I agree. She doesn't look like the bungalow-loving type. But like you said, doesn't hurt to dream ;)"

Too true. And with that, Lief clips out a coupon for a half off discount at the local spa. Nice going! Are you sure you don't have the lucky trait anywhere in your make-up, Lief?
Lief: "Aren't you meant to know that? I wasn't the one who picked my traits"
Okay, Mr Grumpy, there's no need to be rude. I was just asking. I think we need to use that coupon today along with the discount on that novel.
Lief: "Well I wouldn't be so cranky if I didn't get woken up by a dog at three a.m. and...oh, hello Rose!"

Aww, that's sweet. Lief was sitting there for a while and I wondered what was going on until I saw this. Rose decided to have a cuddle. <3

Deciding that's enough sitting around on the couch, I kicked Lief out to go use the coupons and he then hit the Summer Festival. We looked all over for eligible ladies but there were none to be had. Most Sims were busy with the eating competition (along with his boss! We...avoided her for the time being), and the only other people were a middle aged married woman and a few elderly people. Lief tried to talk to the seller behind the food stall but she wouldn't (or couldn't), talk to him, so he got a snow cone instead with a few of his meagre savings. It looks yummy~ The resulting case of brain freeze was well worth it.

After that, since he has no one else to talk to, Lief found some seeds lying around in the park. I sent him to pick up a few and he happily complied. He also rolled the want to garden a while back, so I think we should use them later. Growing our own food has to be cheaper than buying it, right?

With the collecting spirit still running strong, Lief also tried to catch some *squints at* Are those ladybirds? Lief: "Ow! I dunno but one of 'em just bit me! Owowow!"
O_O You were bitten by a ladybug? Come on, it couldn't have hurt that much. I don't think they can even bite people. Lief: "I'm telling you, something bit me!"

Failing to capture the evil biting ladybirds, Lief grabbed the bunch of daisies growing a short distance away instead and then wandered onto the soccer field and came across something else weird. An old man reading a book and a grey cat dozing in the centre. Lief befriended it by talking to it and feeding it treats. I have a feeling he's the kind of guy who somehow accumulates animals...
Lief: "Well, there's one way to not play soccer...ooh, a kitty-cat! Here, kitty kitty..."

And to end off a strange day, we needed a strange night, didn't we? Some time later when I had sent Lief home from a nice but rather unproductive time at the festival, it started to rain. And then a stray horse turned up on Lief's doorstep. And curled up. And fell asleep in the rain...what?!?!

In the early hours of the morning, Lief's hoofed young visitor arose and trotted off, leaving the residents inside none the wiser as they dozed peacefully in their beds. Well, I think that was a pretty good way to sum up one of the oddest days we've had so far.

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