Saturday 5 October 2013

Honey's Housacy Challenge Ch1, Part5

Hello! Honey is back again to continue on with the Housacy story!
Last chapter, my founder, Lief, was at a Spooky Day costume party at Cornelia Goth's mansion. This is what happened after he got back from that. Since the party only lasted a couple of hours, my Sim had plenty of energy left that afternoon and lots of free time, so we decided to put a plan into action. Talking to Agnes Crumplebottom at the party had looked like it went well, so I got Lief to summon her again with a quick phone call. And doesn't she look thrilled to be here? XD I know it's not fancy, Agnes but you're here to see Lief, not his house. (I imagine she's the strictest playground monitor that school has ever seen).
Ah but Agnes does have a soft side as well. Here she is playing a game of hopscotch with Lief. He's kind of poor and TVs are expensive so this game would have to do. (He also rolled up the want to play it with her, so...) She gets pretty mad when she loses, which is quite amusing to see. And when it's not her turn to play, she stands to one side muttering dark things to herself. I can only assume this is her 'grumpy' trait making itself known.
Lief: "Yeah, it's kind of funny. I have to admire her dedication. I've never seen someone play hopscotch so seriously!"
So, are you going to let her win?
Lief: "No way. I like winning" 
This could be a long game. Lol.

Sure enough, hopscotch continues until dark falls. And something else happens as well...
Lief: "Why in the world do wild animals like showing up at my door?!"
I have no idea. It looks like it wants to come inside. Although it seems not to like you at the same time (or maybe it's scared). It's a pretty horse but I don't think you're ready for a large pet yet. And I also don't think it's going to fit in your house. Lol.
Lief: "So long as it doesn't kick down the door while we're trying to finish our game, I don't mind"
Agnes: "mumblemuttermutterfraggingraggin'grumblemumble"
Ahh, she's doing it again...the evil muttering...

Thankfully, the horse ran off after that and the hopscotch ended with Lief winning the game. Agnes grouched a bit but she stayed on for some stargazing on the lawn nevertheless, which they both seemed to really enjoy. Lief got a positive moodlet from doing so. Apparently it's a very romantic activity. They actually chatted and pointed things out to each other, which was totally cute! >w<

Lief then showed his date some true hospitality with a tasty home cooked meal of spaghetti in veggie sauce, eaten together on the couch. Not sure why they didn't sit at the table. Maybe the couch was more comfy. I'm not going to be the one cleaning spaghetti sauce stains off the furniture. XD

Lief then went to bed as it was nearing midnight and Agnes, well, she slept in the spare room in the only reasonable bedding we could afford. I sold the other items in here due to Lief's lack of funds to live off, yet she didn't seem to mind using the sleeping bag.

The next morning (around 9:30am) she awoke to a chilly autumn day. I was surprised to see the sleepwear she was wearing. I thought she would have worn something more conservative, like a long granny nightgown or a pair of tartan pyjamas. Lol. It seems our grumpy bookworm also likes a bit of style.

Lief was up just a bit before his guest and cooking breakfast for the both of them while Agnes, true to her bookworm trait, grabbed the nearest reading material and settled down to read it. It's a fairly relaxed sort of day here, being the weekend.

The two sit down to their meal of waffles and for some reason aren't using the table for it's intended purpose. The daisies there are actually the ones Lief picked at the park last time he went there and found the seeds. We had to find some use for them so here they are! Oh, and the framed thing on the wall is Lief's graduation certificate from 'Community School for the Gifted'. Gifted in what, I couldn't say.

It doesn't take long for the conversation to turn to work and promotions. Seems to be a topic Agnes is fond of, as talking about work is one of the interactions she readily accepts. Lief has been promoted several times by now and is at the level of Elementary School Teacher (from what I remember...he might be a little higher than that). Once I have her under my control, we'll have to see if we can get her promoted too.

Ah well, that was a nice date. Looks like it's time for her to go. Lief doesn't seem to approve of the outfit she spun into. Ha ha...
Lief: *whisper* "She looks like a black widow. It's scary"
I think she is a black widow, actually! It says something in her info about her marriage ending suddenly and being hard to marry. I'll have to take another look at that.

Yet Agnes seems full of surprises! She wasn't leaving at all. No, in her prim black skirt and blouse, she walked around the side of the house. She was going play in the puddles, in the rain in her nice high heels. Goodness, is it just me or is that a tad strange? XD

Agnes doesn't seem to care a whit. She stomps around in the puddle and has a splashing good time.

She then surprises me again by finishing up with the puddle and instead raking the leaves. I'm sure Lief would be grateful someone is doing his yard work, though I doubt he expected his guest to do it! 

Yup, here she is, just raking all those leaves in the rain. She ended up soaking wet and there was later a big pile of leaves on the lawn but they got buried under the snow when winter came and I didn't find them until Spring. Lief set fire to them to burn them since naturally, they weren't looking very good by then.

Agnes eventually came inside, soaked to the skin and started playing with Rose. The things she does make me like this odd woman more and more! Rose seems to like her too, and happily frisks about and chases her all round the house.

Apparently, she's more fun than she looks. Pillow fights aren't off limits either. My founder and his future wife spend a good five or ten minutes beating each other with feather pillows.

Though unfortunately Agnes is a sore loser and tells Lief off for whacking her a bit too hard. Lol. A couple of relationship points were lost over that so the pillow fights came to an abrupt end.

Lief decides to give her some more flowers. This time it's romantic red, despite the fact there's hardly anything romantic about Agnes' body odour. (She's cleaned her teeth multiple times since she's been here but never ONCE hopped in the shower or bath - I got him one by selling the bath and then realised I'd need a bath for the dog, so we sold a few things and now he has both).
Agnes: "Oh, these roses smell beautiful!"
Lief: "Er...yes, but they're not nearly so fragrant as you, my lovely flower" *gag*

It's difficult to watch the next bit yet Lief still hadn't had his first kiss and Agnes seemed to be expecting some more romance. So he held his breath and moved in for the goal. Charisma points were being gained as well. Even so, it looks rather...awkward. Ha ha.

After proposing to Agnes that they Go Steady and having it accepted, it was time to eat again. Dinner was vegetarian rolls, made by Lief, as usual. And once again, it's taken on the couch.
Agnes: "You know, if you enjoy cooking, I could give you a few tips. I'm quite enthusiastic about it myself" Alas, her enthusiasm for showers is not quite the same. T_T

At last, she decides to leave and changes into a winter ensemble. The white and blue look rather nice on her. Oh yes  winter is finally here!

She seems to be pondering over her stay as she leaves. I have a feeling we will be seeing her again. Agnes: "Hmm, this house could use a woman's touch..."

Mind you, it looks pretty quaint when the snow begins to falls. Here is Lief's first winter and it promises to be nice and frosty.

Inside the place is cosy and dry. With Agnes gone home, he seems a little lonely, so we set to work on teaching Rose a new trick. The faces she makes are adorable!
Lief: "Sit...sit...sit...Rose: sit!"

The snow continues to fall all winter and soon the house is looking like this. Lief puts up his Snowflake Day lights and it almost looks cute. The white flowers out the front make it pretty instead of being their usual scraggly selves. I think next time, we'll be having some wintry fun!

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