Saturday 28 June 2014

Honey's Housacy Challenge Ch2, Part9

Part nine of our story. Alisha has at last graduated from school and is off to the graduation ceremony with Leif. Here, you see her for the first time as a young adult, proudly wearing her graduation robes. I've adjusted the length of the seasons in the options menu, so that winter and autumn are now shorter, and spring and summer are longer, giving us more sunny days. Right now, it is spring. Beautiful weather for such an occasion. That man in the background is our new housekeeper. The previous one (who's name was Bart), must have moved on to other things.

At first, I thought this was a cat walking around the front yard, as Leif gets a lot of strays visiting, but it had a funny gait and upon closer inspection, I found it was a raccoon. Aww, what a cute little fellow. I've not seen one in the game before and was surprised to see it. I don't think she/he will find much of interest in our recycle bin though.  Especially not computer mice.

Oh, I also forgot to mention. That glitch I talked about last time; I did find a fix for it. Alisha couldn't move out of home because the game said the adults in the house were still traveling after they got a free vacation some time ago. Well, the fix I used (I will provide a link), was here: Go to the second page and find the post by Tigger Fellini. It really works! Unfortunately, one thing I forgot while using this method is that all the relationships my Sims had made will now be forgotten. I had my Sim check the online dating page for potential spouses. Most of them were old men. Nope, that just wouldn't do! So off we went to pay a visit to the still teenage Marshall Decker and win back his friendship! As you can see below.

Alisha: "Why do I feel like I know these people, like I've been here before? It all seems so familiar yet I swear I've never been here in my life".

Oh well, she might be a bit confused for a while. Good thing she has her furry feline friend Dumpling and her dad to keep her company.  Or wait, did I speak too soon? 

I left Leif to his own devices for a while while sorting out Alisha. He apparently thought it a good idea to take a dip in the pool this night. That behind him is one of Agnes' paintings that she did before she died. Anyway, just getting Alisha reacquainted with the Decker family when I'm zoomed off to find Leif levitating up out of the water.

Lief: "Huh? What? What's going on? I was on my tenth lap"

 Leif: "Ooooo!"

Practising your ghost noises already, I see. 

Leif: "My feet are translucent, and I'm floating, and I'm sparkling, this is neat!"

Yet another unexpected choice of attire for my passing Elder Sims. Agnes in her outerwear and Leif in his swim trunks *facepalm* If I'd known that, I would have picked nicer ones of those outfits.

Now we just have to wait for - ah, right on time! Grimmy comes rising up out of the ground to greet my dearly departed Sim. Leif is still hovering, patiently waiting for him. I suppose it wouldn't do any good to try and escape, but I think it would be funny to watch him try. Lol. 

Lief: "Being chased around by the Grim Reaper sounds scarier than I can deal with"

Grim: "You think this scythe I carry is just for show, do you?" 

I imagine he could use it to catch wayward Sims. Hehe. 

Without further ado, Grim summons up a nice tombstone for my founder to reside in. Right next to the pool, how convenient. 

Grim: "Yes...YESSS! Another soul of fulfilled wishes. I relish harvesting those who are so completed. Now, enter the resting stone I have provided for ye, soul of Leif McLear!"

Leif: "Okay, I don't see why not. I've done what I wanted in life"

Leif completed his LTW before he died. Just thought I'd make that clear. :D 

Grim: "It's always easier when they come willingly <3"  

Lief: "Then again, I was having such a lovely swim before this happened"

Grim: "Leif, get in the stone" 

 Leif: "Grim, you seem to be awfully busy as of late. Why not you and I take a little time to chill out together before you go back to your hectic schedule? It just occurred to me now that you're going to have to put up with another ten generations of my family, and I thought...well, why not take a break while you can?"

 Grim Reaper: "Hrrmmmm....well, that's very considerate of you. It's not often people think of me. They're usually thinking of themselves or begging for their lives. All right, I think I'll take a dip in the pool!" 

And so he did. XD

Leif: "Sure, help yourself. I'll splash around a bit more before my eternal rest"

 The Grim Reaper continued to enjoy our pool for some time, getting the R&R Leif suggested.

Leif, meanwhile, started to feel rather tired. So he floated back out.

Leif: "Guess I'll drift around for a minute. It's kind of fun being able to float"

And make sparkles. Lol. 

The grim looks hilarious swimming around. He's still got the scythe in his hand, and keeps popping up out of the water whenever he stops moving. Must be because he tends to fly/float above the ground. In this pic he kinda looks like a wet bedsheet or a tarp that fell into the pool. If it weren't for that bony skeleton hand protruding, I'd be telling someone to fetch the pool scoop. Lol.

Finished his refreshing dip, Grim decided to get going. 

Grim: "Thanks, Soul of Leif. That was a rather pleasant break from my usual activities" 

Leif: "No worries. And now, I'll get to rest, as per our deal"

They shook hands as old friends, sealing the bargain. We really need to find somewhere better to put that tombstone, though. It's going to be a real downer at pool parties.   

Leif obediently hops into his final resting place, and you'd think that was the end of it. All over and done with, time for the 2-day period of mourning, etc. etc. But then, a tiny brown kitty came slinking through the gate, into the backyard area, plucking up all her courage as she approached the Grim Reaper.  Her ears were folded flat, her tail was down, but she was determined!

Grim: "Now, who was my next client?"

Dumpling: "Meowr! Hiisssss! RRRRrrrrrr! Fffffftttt! Screeeeee!"

Grim: "Gah! Wha-! Holy cra...what was that?!! Oh, geez, it's a cat!" 

Bwahahahaha! XD Apparently she came all this way to 'harass death' and that's exactly what she's doing.  Go kitty!

Grim: "Uh huh...uh huh...yes...hrrmmm.....all right, I see what your complaint is"

Death is apparently a very understanding guy. He straightened up, waved a bony hand, and Leif is brought back out of the tombstone. I wonder if it had something to do with Leif's earlier kindness. You never can tell with Death.

Leif: "Ehh? What? I was having a good dream"

Dumpling is still very much upset about losing him, and watches on by Grimmy's feet.

Grim: "All right, little cat. You have proven most persuasive. But just this once, I don't want to get a reputation for this sort of thing". 

 With a puff of black mist, he was gone. And Leif was left standing by the pool, on the frosty paving stones, wondering what in heck was going on. XD

Leif: "Hey? How can this be? I'm alive!" 

Dumpling: "Meooowww, meoooowww!" (Burmese cats can be very vocal) Lol.

Leif: "Dumpling, it was you?! Ha ha, I'm aliiiiivvveee! Because of a cat! The most wonderful cat in the world!"

Leif is, needless to say, ecstatic over his escape from death. 

And Dumpling's very traumatized by your death. Go and say thank you and shower her with love right this instant.

Leif: "What a good kitty, gooood kitty! We're going to get you some gourmet food right now, and play with you and brush you..." 

Hehe. Who would've thought Dumpling the cat would give my Sim a second chance? Leif looks after her when Alisha's not home; she must have grown very fond of him. 

 As if she somehow knew what had happened, Rose came out of her urn when Leif came back inside. I'm not sure if she's confused about the cat scratching post and some of her old stuff being used again in the house. She slept in the cat's bed (her old bed), and ate from her old bowl, which is full of cat food.

Dumpling fortunately wasn't hungry as she'd just had her dinner and was going to the litter box. The only reason I can think of for a ghost dog to eat the cat food is because it's Rosie's old bowl and she recognises it. Pretty funny, since ghosts don't need to eat. Silly Rose!

Dumpling appears to be in a much better mood since Lief's come back to life. She's happy playing with her toys. I think this is either the yarn ball or the squeaky mouse - little hard to tell. Now might also be a fitting time to say that Dumpling has a leaf in her inventory. Lol. From when she was out hunting (stalking for prey). I think we'll leave* it in there as a memento of her much loved Sim. 

*No, that wasn't an intentional pun.

Your first time seeing Alisha in one of the outfits I chose for her. I'm still undecided on those lavender boots. I was trying to find footwear that goes with her rainbow top and short shorts. 

If you're wondering where she is going, (and you're probably not but I'm gonna tell you anyway), she's moving out of home to start the next part of our legacy! That's right, the modern style house is next on the list. And of course, Dumpling is coming with her. So say goodbye to our little bungalow house, challenge house number one, because I think this is the last time we'll be seeing it.

Here we are on our new empty lot. Alisha never learned to drive so we had to catch a taxi. Either way, what matters is that we got there safe and sound. Now, this is really a nice location. There's not a lot of free lots on the Sunset Valley map for us to take unless we delete other homes that are already here. I will probably end up doing that to make room for other legacy houses, so that eventually the town reflects all ten generations of my family having lived in it. I have toyed around with moving to other worlds, but I think that might be for another legacy. I never change the original Sunset Valley or play around much with what's already there. I think this legacy has given me the perfect opportunity to do just that. 

Alisha: "All right, I'll give you that it's a nice location but where are we supposed to live? There's nothing here. Dumpling and I can't live in nothing".

Don't you two worry about a thing! As part of the housacy challenge, we will be taking that 74,000 Simoleans sitting in your account and building you the next thing on my list; the modern house. 

I have chosen the Modern style because a) I forgot how expensive it was going to be and b) that style of house seems to suit Alisha and her personality. Or I thought it did anyway.  I have been looking at images and uploads of modern homes other people have made, so I have some ideas.

I left Alisha and Dumpling on the front lawn to watch, while I constructed this. Which, I hope, is considered modern enough to meet the challenge requirements. Slanty roofs, small bedrooms, lots of sleek lines and black and white...plenty of glass and cool tiles. I did my best to capture what I though to be a modern home, which you can see below. It's not as pretty or stylish as some of the houses I've seen. But I like it, and I think it has an excellent view over the water. :D Alisha's study cum styling room is the one just to the right of the front door, and the other two with the wooden floor showing through the windows are the living room (closest to front door), and the dining room. The small room on the far left is Alisha's bedroom. Those grey things leading up to the front door are meant to be paving stones. I need to work a bit on the landscaping. ^_^;

Inside, we have - the kitchen! It took a bit of searching to find suitable counters but I eventually spotted the Counter Moderne, or whatever it's called, and that's what I used here. We were running out of money, so not all the rooms are properly furnished yet. Alisha has her spa job with a small income and we have stuff we can sell in the family inventory, so we should be okay. Dumpling's eating from her new food bowl while our Sim makes herself something non-combustible for dinner.

 Voila, the dining room. Still a bit sparse. The blue plate was a custom content I downloaded from either Mod the Sims or The Sims Resource. I like adding CC to my game, though I often forget who made what or where I got it from, (naughty me - I'll have a look and see if I can find who made them so I can put their name to their stuff). I think this set of plates was from Mod the Sims, as I recall clicking a thank you button or some such when I downloaded them. They're Japanese inspired and very pretty. Nicer than the plain dishware that comes with the game. Looks rather bright with that rainbow autumn salad, doesn't it? :D

EDIT: After a bit of searching on both websites, I found the plates here: Japanese Dinnerware Replacements Their creator, ganguro, did a lovely job of all of them. Thanks so much to her for creating these. If you do download them, don't forget to click button and say 'thanks' too! You can even leave a comment. :)

 Seeing as this is a modern house, I thought, why not have modern pet stuff too? So Dumpling has a very hi-tech, state-of-the-art, self cleaning litter box to use instead of her usual pan tray. I think she was a little scared of it at first and I can't say I blame her. She soon got the idea though, and hopped right in.

Look at that! That's one litter box you want to be careful with. Ha ha. 

That black speck leaping off our cat, is a flea. Our baby got fleas! D: Too much time outside stalking for prey, plus no Advocate or Revolution (protects cats from ticks, fleas, worms etc.), means those pesky buggers have invested her fur. 

To try and take her mind off the itchy pests, Dumpling satisfies her urge to scratch by giving her new cat tree a thorough clawing. When we add more cats to the family, I think it's going to get lots of use, and probably they will fight over it. For now, she can have it all to herself. 

Alisha, being an animal lover and responsible pet owner, gives Dumpling a flea bath in our lovely new corner tub. Though I really think she should have just used the sink, for one little cat. Ha ha. 

This, by the way, is another CC download. It's part of a bathroom set. Off I go to have another search and wistfully wish I'd written down who it was made by and where I got it from. Lol.

Edit: Okay, it's from here, Mod the Sims again: Eris3000 Home Spa Bathroom Collection One

By the wonderful Eris3000, who made this delightful bathroom set that looks great in our modern home and probably in just about every house you'd use it in. Like before, remember to thank her for her creation if you do download it. Thanks, Eris! You are amazing. ^_^

Alisha: "No more fleas for my pretty Dumpling Wumpling, kissy kissy!"

That wasn't so bad, all things considered. My cats would have ripped me to ribbons. XD Now that we have a flea-free kitteh, we can start adopting more cats and dogs and maybe some other animals, without the risk of a huge flea infestation.And in the morning, look into starting off Alisha's career as a stylist.

Friday 27 June 2014

Honey's Housacy Challenge Ch2, Part 8

Part 8 of the story is now up!  Back at home, Alisha had the wish to watch a wild horse. Thankfully, they are always wandering onto our lot. Alisha has some apples in her inventory (along with Hesper, who I finally stuffed in there!). I don't know much about wild horses or the Pets EP yet; we're kind of new at this. I figured after the first few times the horse reared in fright and ran away, we better just keep following it and watching from a distance. Trying to let it sniff her hand or feed it a treat didn't work so great. But the relationship meter is building the longer she watches it. Ooh, now I want this horse!

Persistence is the key to success, or so I've heard. So I had Alisha keep watching the horse and she followed it when it disappeared off the lot. In fact, she got into a taxi and followed it, got out of the taxi to check where it was, got in again and followed some more...until she made it all the way here. Ha ha. By the way, this horse must have been someone's companion at some point because I notice its tail is beautifully braided. Perhaps a better name for it would be 'stray' horse? 

Since it was snowing, and all our focus was on taming the wild horse to befriend it, I didn't even see the rays of light and the white unicorn until it started to move towards us. Wow, our very first unicorn!! :D I heard they existed but didn't think we would find one so easily or so soon. There were other wild horses in this area too, so it must be a favourite place for them to live. There was also a deer. :)

Alisha naturally, was sent to try and make friends with the sparkly unicorn, leaving the wild horse for the time being. The unicorn doesn't seem as skittish as the wild horse. It let her hold her hand out to sniff. It didn't rear up and run away.

It even let her feed it a treat. Good thing she has those apples. She got them from completing an objective, I believe, but I can't remember what it was. They are all high quality fruit. Although, Alisha did eat some as snacks before now. Lucky she didn't eat all of them, they do make convenient snacks when Sims are at other Sim's houses and aren't able to get any food.  Anyway, this was just so cool! It let her get so close! I'm hopeful maybe she can befriend it later if the same one is still there when we go back.

Just for a reference, this is the place where the wild horses and the unicorn (see far left), were found. A very idyllic piece of Sunset Valley. There's even a waterfall that flows into the lake.

Yet another date with Marshall Decker. Got to make sure he stays loyal so we can suck him into our mean, give Alisha a nice partner to marry down the track. Hehe. Here, she's giving him a bunch of flowers - perfect purple, not too sappy but not friendly yellow, either. And I somehow don't think pink or white suits him. If you have the Seasons EP, you'll recognise that skating rink as a sign of the winter festival. There's not as much room to make snowmen or snow angels, and you'd be hard put to squeeze in an igloo but there are plenty of fun activities to make up for that. 

Alisha: "Let's build-"
Marshall: "-A snowman!"

Becoming a bit of a habit, methinks. We still haven't unlocked all the different kinds you can make so she's going to keep building until we do. So far she knows Traditional, Grim Reaper, and Hockey. I have no idea whether Marshall knows any.

Trying out the winter food stall for a warming snack or two. Look at the penguin and the gingerbread man...something to warm your heart while the food warms your body. Hehe.

She kind of hot wings? They are either covered in falling snowflakes or way too much sauce. 

Alisha: "I like lots of sauce on my hot wings thank you"

To work off that spicy(?) snack, in we go to the ice skating rink. It's fortunately not too crowded and she was able to get Marshall to join her. Here, they're spinning together, or, should I say, practicing how to spin. I know I'm not the best at taking photos, hehe, probably should have zoomed in a bit.  

Alisha: "OOF!" 

Falling down is all part of the fun. So long as you don't get cut on your skates. I've done that once, it hurts! 

Marshall: "Alisha, are you okay?'

Alisha: "Ow, I hid my dose!"

Oh yeah, and nosebleeds, watch out for those too.  

Another Snowflake Day, and we're throwing a gift giving party! Agnes is no longer with us but there seems to be even more Sims than last year. We invited some of Alisha's friends (Mitzi in the pink skirt), plus Mortimer Goth, (the man in the blue jacket and black pants), Louie (talking to Alisha), and a few of Leif's friends as well. 

Alisha: "Woah, I think that's a bigger gift pile than last year too. Ooh! Neat! I got a rain disruptor!" 

 Been needing one of those for a while. 

Looks like Louie brought over some tasty food to share (hot wings?). I completely forgot about the food. Whoops! At least someone remembered. Later on, I called everyone to eat this meal...XD

Oh, and Leif got a gnome, lol. Apparently not the best present to get. Darn, I hate gnomes, they're so creepy. Sgnome-man Bittertotter or whatever his name is, appeared on our front lawn after all the snow melted. I have not touched him. I think we will leave him there and hope he teleports off somewhere far away or gets taken by wild animals.

Mitzi: "Ha, I got a frothy drinks machine!"

Alisha: "Oh, we must have had some left in storage. Mum loved those things"

Our tiny house is crammed full of Sims. There's not lots of room to move. Most people are dancing, except the girl doing her homework on floor. I think Louie is impersonating a zombie, lol. Mitzi must be doing the chicken dance, Mortimer is doing the Choo-Choo and Leif...

Leif: "The Hokey Pokey!" 

Of course. 

Alisha's slow dance with Marshall is sort of ruined by this old lady, who got up on the counters and started dancing around. O.O! Put it away granny, no one wants to see that! Also, it's very unhygienic to be up on the kitchen counter in your shoes.

 Once Snowflake Day is over, it's back to the books. Our second-gen heir brought a friend home from school, another girl she met somehow (I did select 'meet new friends' on a few occasions). Looks like math homework, or maybe a long essay. Good thing they can help each other out. 

What's this? Alisha seems to be browsing the web for something, I wonder what that could be. 

Actually I already know, but I wanted to make it a surprise. 

Ta-da! It's a brand new member of the McLear family! Meet Dumpling, a brown Burmese cat and  Alisha's first adopted shelter pet. <3 Isn't she cute? 

She now has 1 out of 6 rescue pets. Only five more to go. Except we'll do that when she moves house. For now, Alisha's going to spend lots of time getting to know Dumpling and showering her with love and attention. Dumpling's a friendly little cat, so we should have no problems. Apart from finding room to squeeze in all her belongings and tripping over her food bowl and her cat toys, that is.

 Bonding time, playing with the wall stick thingy. Alisha's dressed differently than normal because she's in her work uniform - she got an opportunity to increase her school performance if she takes on a part time job, so I sent her to work at the spa. Her current position is changing room guard. Not too horrible. :) The other thing about Miss Dumpling here, you have to keep an eye on her, she's easy to lose in this dark brown house. She also likes to hide under the furniture when Alisha or Leif aren't home. I got her a red collar in hopes that she'll stand out more, and of course because I wanted it to look nice with her fur. She has yellow eyes, but it's a little hard to see them unless we pick her up and zoom in.

Leif, still working his fingers to the bone to get that last guitar skill point, this time playing in the park and entertaining passing Sims. I can't say I like the songs very much, (they all put me to sleep), but I still feel proud of him for making it this far, along with reaching the top of the education career and almost mastering the charisma skill. I'm going to make sure he gets his LTW before he dies. Oh, and the sun is out...spring is coming.  

I should have said 'Spring is here'. Lol. The snow has all melted as you can see, and this random picture of the Spa is because I wanted to show where Alisha works. She is there at the moment, doing her after school tasks of being a changing room guard. Apparently she has to make sure Sims don't steal things while also not offending them, so that they will remain loyal customers. It's a fine line, but I think she can do it. :D I may have her keep this job, when she moves out, as well as becoming a stylist. Not sure if you can do both things at once.  

Working on her cooking a kitchen-safe manner. I don't want any fires starting with Dumpling on the lot. 

Dumpling: "Mreow?" 

Heehee, look at that thought bubble! Sorry miss kitty cat, I think you're going to be disappointed.

Alisha: "There's nothing wrong with my salad"

 Leif's still getting invited to parties. This time, to Mortimer Goth's house. He asked to stay the night and Mortimer said yes, so they had a sleepover, complete with pillow fighting. Lol. Looks like they're having a great time. There must be an endless supply of pillows somewhere in hammerspace* (*I looked it up on Google. ^///^). and maybe an endless amount of plucked birds too. Feathers have to come from somewhere, right?

The Goth's House. It looks so spooky and impressive from the outside (especially in the rain), I just have to take a picture. Now that house has character. Although, I wouldn't want to live there with all those ghosts. 

Leif, in their kitchen, having dinner. He didn't want to be intrusive so he grabbed his old favourite - bread and jam. The Goths, as you may not know, have a pet cat too. It's name is Baby, and it is sleeping somewhere in this picture.  See if you can spot it. =^.^=

Ah, time for bed.  Good luck sleeping with that poster on the wall, ergh. The house is creepy enough as it is. It makes me wonder whose room this used to be. I haven't played all the pre-made families that live in Sunset Valley, but I think maybe it's Cassandra's. Or did she have a double bed?

The next morning, Leif gets in trouble for helping himself to more bread and jam for breakfast. Apparently he overstayed his welcome. Too bad,we don't want to go home yet! Mortimer's house is fun to explore. SO...He stayed in the lounge room for a while, practicing his guitar skill and then I noticed the fireplace and, well...XD  Ha ha. Just because it's grey and miserable outside doesn't mean it has to be inside as well. 

Mortimer, by the way, is outside, in the rain, swimming in his pool. 

Uh-oh, that teeny tiny puddle isn't a leaking roof. Dumpling waited too long to use her litter box. I clicked her to go use it but she stayed scratching her cat post. Then she hopped in, then back out, and then this. Oh well, accidents happen. X3 We still love her. 

 Nope, it's not Leif being invited to another rich Sim's party. Alisha finally got invited to Marshall's house! I can't believe I never thought of sending her over there to go visit him. This is the first time we are seeing his house and meeting the rest of his family. I'll take that as a good sign in their relationship. Hehe.

Too bad Alisha's so exhausted she takes a nap on their couch. Rats, I wanted to look around. Ah well, Marshall doesn't seem worried by it. It is funny though. And somewhat inappropriate for a first time visit. Lol. Maybe I should keep cups of coffee in her inventory for cases like this.

Here we have Marshall's sister. I think her name starts with M. Really, I'm not good with names. Unless  I write them down they go right out of my head.  She seems nice enough, I will have to get Alisha to chat with her once she wakes up from her nap.

Both good kids, doing their homework. Geez, Alisha, that's attractive; not! XD 

My Sim wakes up a bit more recharged, and goes to eat dinner with the rest of the family. Is it just me, or is there something weird about their mum? Pale skin, glowy eyes, drinking a suspicious beverage in a red container...and Alisha's being hunted. Yeah, I think we just met our first vampire! :D

 Alisha asking Marshall how he slept the next morning. He went to bed about 1:00am-ish but I think he still slept better than her. SHE spent the night sleeping on the floor in her dad's old sleeping bag, seeing as napping on the couch wasn't going to cut it. Everyone else had their own beds, so there wasn't much of a choice. And oo, he's wearing orange. With a prancing pony on the front. Ahaha. I wonder if he knows Alisha is also an animal lover.

Back at the bungalow: 

Uhh, Leif, how much do you want to keep your shower? 

Leif: "Why? That's a random question to be asking" 

Because the Repo man's going to repossess it. We weren't exactly keeping an eye on the bills. Ehehe...

Leif: "Aw, NUTS!"

Sims really hate losing stuff to the Repo man. Doesn't matter if you have enough Simoleans to replace it instantly. The entire family sulked about this one for a while.And yes, that includes Dumpling. She hissed at the repo man as he was leaving, LOL.

Frigging, gosh darn it! Can't we get a break? First our shower gets repossessed and now this the very next day. Alisha was super exhausted after the crappy night's sleep over at Marshall's and she was supposed to sleep in this morning. Leif was tired from playing guitar half the night. But no. The wee hours brought us a cat burglar. (Well, not literally to steal Dumpling XD), but she did try to take stuff.  Bah!

Oh geez, this thing hurts my ears. I'm grateful for it, don't get me wrong, it's just the noise is so obnoxious I had to zoom out before it drove me crazy. I feel sorry for the cat though. :( Cats hate that kind of thing. Poor Dumpling didn't know what to do. She autonomously went to guard her toy box from the burglar. Lol. 

Thank God, the police have arrived. I don't care so much about the criminal being caught. It's such a relief to have that infernal beeping stopped. 

Lol, the notice that I got from the Sim Police officer read "Stay here while I go inside and check the house for evidence" or something - addressed to the burglar. Wouldn't you just run? 

Leif: "Thank you officer. I'll keep an eye on this no-good criminal while you go and do that" 

Leif came out, in the rain without his umbrella, wearing his bunny slippers, presumably to keep an eye on her. I don't think that's very intimidating. But you get a an E for effort. :D

I had to tell Alisha to go and play with Dumpling, who is still inside, guarding her toy box.

And that's where I'll leave you, because I ran out of screenshots and I need to take some more. Alisha grew to an adult, and I'm ready to start chapter three. But first I have to fix the glitch caused by the vacation prompt. My elder sims got it when Alisha aged up to teen, but instead of leaving the house for their 2 days of free vacation, they stayed, and now when I click the computer to try and move Alisha out of the house to a new lot where I can build the next house, it says the adults in the household are already travelling, even though they're not. I looked for solutions on the Sims 3 forum and think I found a good one. I'll let you know how it goes, and if it works, what I did. If it doesn't work, this legacy is kind of screwed. I'll do my darndest to make sure that doesn't happen...

Okay, bye for now.