Friday 27 June 2014

Honey's Housacy Challenge Ch2, Part 7

Looks like it's shaping up to be 10 chapters this time around too. Never fear, where I am up to in the game right now, Alisha just became Young Adult, so that means Chapter 3 has technically already started. Or at least, will have once I finish showing all this. I haven't been able to move her out straight away because of the dreaded 'vacation' glitch, that some of you may know about. But I found a fix for it, so there's no need to panic.

The seasons have changed again in my Sunset Valley full of rich Sims and Celebs. Jack Frost has been at work, crunching up the ground and painting all the leaves, and there's chilly winds, rain, hail and light snow. There are still going to be Sims crazy enough to try swimming in this autumn weather. *shakes head* Part of why I love this game, they never cease to amuse me.

*squints* I think that might be Leif or a paparazzi down there by the horseshoe set. But I'm not sure. Too hard to see, and we get stalkers all the time, because of Agnes.  

 As much as it pains me to do it, I packed away the playground set into the family inventory, to make way for Alisha's Spooky Day party that she wanted to throw. STILL hadn't figured out how to put Hesper away, so he came too. We got two buffet tables, a snow cone maker, a bubble blower set, that I didn't know you need stools to use. And a stereo and a dance floor. The new girl with the dark hair is someone Alisha met at high school, with the 'talk to friends' interaction. Chuck Fischer, I really hope that's a costume! Not sure who is playing in the leaf pile. Might be Lief. Ha ha. With his brethren. XD

The buffet tables are Halloween themed. Spooky Day parties are all about food and I'm sure we've lived up to that expectation. 

Alisha's party was a modest success. All the guests felt good about having attended. And then it's time for trick or treating. She chose the tiger costume, roar!~

Darn, she got all dressed up and then no one was home, all the neighbours were out, and I mean ALL of them. Every house we went to was empty. I can only imagine that they all went out trick or treating all the other Sims that were home. 

Well, everyone was out except for this one. Alisha changed into her outerwear because I assume she got too cold. And then we went and rang this lady's doorbell twice, and got a few bits of candy. I think Alisha's jersey made her hungry. (Reads: Keep Calm and Eat Carrots).  

Halloween, er, Spooky Day, is over. We need to keep life interesting though, so after a while we invite Marshall on another date. The winter festival hasn't yet arrived and truth be told I prefer it this way, all that glittering expanse of snow to play in. So pretty.

Alisha: "Let's make a snow man, with stick arms!"

 Marshall: "Okay, snowmen are cool" 

Looks like they're off to a good start. Hopefully this date will be a success. The first ever date they went on sucked majorly and he left five minutes in, saying she has issues and he's not sticking around to deal with them. He's warmed up considerably since then.  That cheesy smile says it all.

Working on it together, they got the base done, and the fun meters are filling up fast. 

Alisha: "I can't feel my fingers anymore"

Maybe I should have given her some gloves.

He's starting to look more like a proper snow man now. Whatever a proper snowman looks like.

 Alisha: "Hey Marshall, look over there, it's the Grim Reaper" 

Marshall: "What? Where? I don't see him. Where?"

Alisha: "Heh heh heh! Sucker!"

Snowball fight!

 Their snowman looks on as Alisha makes a snow angel, and someone else wanders through the snow to the barbeques. He's got his seasons a bit wrong, methinks. 

Marshall's still a little freaked out over mention of a certain somebody with a scythe and a black hood. 

Marshall: "The grim reaper, why'd she have to say that? That guy freaks me out" 

Alisha: "Look, I'm making a pretty angel!" 

Such a beautiful moonrise. To get Marshall's mind off the things that go bump in the night, they start making another snowman. 

 When this happens. Oh no. Now, I forget who she is so I'm sorry for that. Nevertheless, we know who's coming next.

Alisha: "Wow, look at that, he's real. He's here to help this lady to the afterlife. What a nice guy. What would we do without him?"

Marshall *frozen in fear*  

The Grim did come to take this lady to her next destination, although it looked like she really didn't want to go. She fell down begging and pleading not to be taken, but he told her to get up and come along, and she had no choice but to obey. Oh dear. Wonder if Alisha still has a high opinion of him. 

And that's not the only thing we have to worry about, looks like Marshall's fainted dead away. No thanks to his trait of being a coward. Alisha tried to wake him up and he fainted again right away. Which is a better way to kill a date than to end it on a good note. Everyone else is mourning the missing Sim. But Alisha shows her ties to the Goth family by being mostly calm and collected. 

Mostly. Marshall's going to keep fainting if we don't do something, silly sim! Better think up something quick or this date is a disaster. Wait, wait, take inspiration from your jersey, Alisha!

Alisha: "How is eating carrots going to help in this situation?!" 

No, I mean keep CALM. 

A nice massage, that sorted him out. Although, as my friend suggested, we would have been better off putting snow down his pants. Lol. That'd wake anyone up. As it were, Marshall enjoyed the massage and said later it was one of the best dates he'd had. Understandably, we wrapped things up pretty quickly after building our fun meters again.

Back at home, a chilly winter's morning, and our legacy heir feels like a plate of nice hot waffles. Mmm...

Too bad she has absolutely no cooking skills whatsoever. 

 Alisha: "The wall alarm thingy is going off! How do I turn it off?"

Alisha: "Wah! Flames! Not good, not good!" 

No that is not. Just like her father before her, she will not be the only person to set this kitchen on fire.  The fire alarm's going crazy, I imagine help will be here any moment. In the meantime, my Sim may scream and panic.

Until sense comes into her head, and she grabs a nearby fire extinguisher from hyper space. Or wherever that place is that they pull items out of thin air.
Alisha: "Shoot, I better put this out before someone sees!" WHOOSH! Lol. 

Too bad it's not like in real life, where white chemical powder coats everywhere. I'd love to see Leif's reaction to that. However, just like in real life, things can still burn to ashes, so it's best we don't let it get carried away.

Yes, the firefighter is here. A nice woman who arrives just in time to see Alisha smother the last of the flames. Her waffles must be blackened beyond recognition. I don't think we can save them. Sorry.

Also, if you'll note, Mrs Firefighter happens to dislike our clawed couch. Doesn't anybody like cat-scratch decor?

Alisha: "I just wanted waffles for breakfast. I don't know what went wrong. I put them in the oven, turned the heat on high, and the next thing they're on fire".

After apologies, a small lecture, and thankfully insurance on our oven, which we replaced,  she decided to go for the easier option. 

Bread and jam. Guess we better work on her cooking skills.I have a feeling she'll be eating this a lot otherwise.

Sending a love letter to Marshall on her day off, just to make sure things go smoothly. It wouldn't do to put in all the time and energy to one Sim only to have them run off with someone else. It has happened in the past. Oh well, I suppose if he does that, we'll just steal him back.

Leif is now an elder. What do you think of his work outfit? Lots of brown, but not entirely ugly. I think the white shirt breaks it up a little, and the different shades of brown keep it from being too much.  

Leif: "Glad you like my work clothes" *slurp slurp* 

He's eating soup for dinner.  

Just another piccy of Alisha sleeping. I hadn't got to use this outfit much and wanted to see her wear it. She looks so peaceful, must be a nice nap. 

Ahhh! Agnes, you weren't supposed to go yet. 

Agnes: "Well no one knows when their time is up. It's not my fault I had to stay late and mark homework".

Whoops, I somehow forgot she only had 15 days. Today must have been the last one. 

Alas, we didn't get to complete her life time want. I tried my best, but she was lagging too far behind on her writing skill.She hasn't died from neglect though, so that's something. I only wish she had departed for the afterlife in one of her more fashionable pieces of attire. She's instead in her outerwear.

Grimmy appears, predictably, along with ominous black mist and scythe. He's doing a lot of business lately. 

 Agnes: "Hello my old friend, we meet again".

Grim: "Agnes, didn't think I'd be seeing you so soon, come along then, my dear, I have someone who's been asking to meet you"

Agnes: "I should hope so. I've waited long enough to see him again".

At this point in time, Alisha had rolled the want to make five snowmen, after completing her want of making five snow angels. I went to have a look and discovered this! How did she figure out how to make the grim reaper snowman at the same moment her mum died? Pure coincidence I'm sure, but it was amusing to see. Agnes will be dearly missed. 

Leif is heartbroken at the loss of his wife. As a couple, they gained the eternally faithful moodlet, a fine achievement to have. It's sad to see them broken up. But one day, he'll see her again. For the next two days, he'll cry and mourn her loss though. 

Well, both of them will. It's a bit depressing, poor Sims. I checked their inventories for an urn of her ashes but none could be found. So I'm not sure if it's sitting out on the school steps where she passed, or if you don't get one because she was on a community lot. So, she probably won't be coming back as a ghost. 

Alisha rolled the want to visit the cemetery, so off we went to help her ease the grief of losing her loved one. Agnes wasn't in there (we checked every stone). But it seemed to cheer her up a little, anyway. Then she sat down in the snow and started doing her homework...and then my game froze, for several minutes. Blah. I couldn't click anything, but the sounds were all working, the bushes and snow were moving, falling, etc. Only, Alisha was stuck in one pose and when I did get it to unfreeze (just waited), and went to Lief, he got frozen playing the guitar. This time, the musical notes were animated, and the music was working but again the rest of the game froze. Not sure if my laptop was overworked and overheated or what, but I logged off for a while and it was fine after that. It's only frozen a few times since then and not as bad. 

 Okay, three chapters in one day. That's enough from me. Expect more updates over the next couple of weeks, or whenever I can get to them. This is the last day of my holidays and then I'm back to normal routine, so things might be slower from here on out.

As always, thanks for reading. <3 Happy simming.

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