Thursday 26 June 2014

Honey's Housacy Challenge Ch2, Part 5

It's part five of chapter two, and I'm still wondering whether this is going to be ten parts long whether I want it to or not, ha ha. We will see. I have tried to take shots only of things I thought were interesting. Which means, lots of stuff! :D 

Ah well, I'm a-trying. At least the second generation will be well-documented. I haven't played a lot of the expansions or stuff packs yet, so there's a lot of content that's new to me and my Sims.  THIS time, however, I had kept notes. Go me! Lol. 

Back where I left off, Alisha is making good use of her brand new playground and has invited some of her school friends over. I thought it best to make some life-long friends earlier on in the game, in case one of the boys turns out to be a potential suitor for my heir. After all, I can't make it through ten generations with no other Sims. XD That odd looking child standing off to the right there is Hesper, Alisha's 'imaginary friend' that came out of a doll. He likes to follow her around everywhere and interact with her. The boy with the beanie and watermelon print jersey is Chuck Fischer, and the little girl on the pink bouncy horse is Mitzi Michaels. The little grey animal in the bottom left corner is a stray cat. :3 Hopefully someSim will adopt it and give it a nice home.

After playing on the playground for a few hours, I initiated a water balloon fight, in the spirit of summer fun. The boy in the bottom right corner is Marshall Decker, another friend we invited over that wasn't in the first piccy. And I should mention here that I had the first of many glitches 
(D: Noooo!). I told Alisha to stop playing and go inside to eat dinner, but when I tried to get the other kids to stop, no amount of clicking could end their endless water balloon fight. They were out there for hours, well past midnight, and couldn't be interacted with, which was a bit annoying. Luckily, they eventually did leave the lot.

 So you can see them better, and a proper introduction for everyone: This is Marshall. He looks kind of mischievous and cute. And he's wearing Alisha's favourite colour, orange.

Here is Mitzi, with the other half for Chuck's watermelon top, lol. She's just been knocked down by a water balloon. 

And Chuck, who's got some very random clothes. Wearing a beanie in the middle of summer should surely be uncomfortable. 

This one doesn't need an intro, I just thought she looked cute and colourful.  Watching carefully for water balloons, hehe.

Agnes: "What is that cat doing to my furniture? And who let it in here?" 

Better go ask Leif, he seems to attract all manner of living creatures. It possibly helps that your daughter's lifetime want is to adopt six stray animals. (Only, we don't have much room to, so she'll probably do that when she moves out).

Agnes: "Well Leif can buy us a new couch!"

Really, I love this, stray cats coming in and scratching up the furniture to sharpen their claws, lol. What a naughty kitty.

And here's another one... Leif, I don't know if you should invite them inside, Agnes might have a lot to say to you.

Leif: "But it's so cute!"

Fine. On your head be it.

Alisha: "Dad, I think mum's going to be mad" 

Awwww! They look so happy. I can't blame him, I'd probably do the same. 

Leif: "Look Alisha, potential adoptees. Don't worry about your mum, she's always grumpy".

Agnes: *somewhere nearby* "I heard that!" 

For a cranky old Crumplebottom, Agnes has aged very nicely into an elder Sim.  Well, former Crumplebottom. A quick trip to the mirror and the dresser soon has her looking stylish again. I like it when I can find nice clothing for my elders. Just because they get old doesn't mean they have to lose all their fashion sense. Lol. The dragonfly brooch was my favourite accent to this outfit.

 Okay this isn't really a glitch, but it is an oddity. As you can see, we've invited some of Alisha's friends to stay the night, and they haven't gone to bed yet. It's the wee hours of the morning and they have school the next day *sigh*. Silly sims! The rest of the household was asleep so the game was on fast mode. Then there was a strange noise and this alien appeared from a spaceship. He landed in the playground, wandered around for a while and then left again. Weird! I paused it to take a screenshot. Hesper on the ground over there must mean Alisha's sleeping in the bungalow clubhouse, where Mitzi and Chuck were supposed to ALSO be sleeping, away from scary aliens. (Seriously, he kind of freaks me out). And those shoes don't match what he's wearing. Hmm...I wonder should we marry an alien later. But not this guy! 

Agnes is still working on her painting skills, trying to attain her LTW of illustrious author, which also happens to be one of my life time goals in real life.

Agnes: "Time flies by so fast when you're having fun, but when you're bored, it goes so slow, and then when you're old, you can lose track of it altogether. I think I managed to sum up the essence of time with this painting".

Very nice. Now sell it and paint another one. :D   

Speaking of money, Mitzi is displaying one of her traits; mooch. 

Mitzi: "Alisha, can I borrow ten Simoleans? I'll pay you back, I just need to buy some pool toys" 

I looked around for pool toys in the buy catalog but they didn't have any, lol. Apart from those lounger things. Oh well. Maybe someone will make some someday.

 Still, that never stops anyone enjoying the pool. I had pool loungers placed around it but they always get picked up by Sims and not returned. I just have to keep buying more. I checked Agnes' and Leif's inventories, and neither of them had one stashed away so I can only assume the guests took them. Leif is playing guitar and Agnes is painting some more. She's almost mastered the skill.

Back to Alisha (like the orange togs?), and Mitzi. 

Mitzi: "You have an interesting house. Why is it so small?" 

Alisha: "My family's part of a legacy challenge. It's meant to be a bungalow" 

Meant to. I guess I could have made it a bit more tropical. And maybe a bit bigger. As you might tell, I'm not an expert at building houses. The next one will be better, I hope!

Hesper is starting to act a bit creepy. Can't a girl eat dinner with her family in peace? No? Okay then. XD  I don't mind these dolls coming to life and such, but when they start to get obsessive it can be a little scary. So far we've discovered a few traits of this one; grumpy, loner...I can't recall all of them, but the personality is not so great. I might not turn this one into real Sim this time. He's good company for Alisha when she needs to socialize or play. Silly me forgot that you can put them in Sim's inventories, so they don't follow her all the time. I did do that later, when he got on my nerves lol.  

 I may have failed to mention that Agnes is a 2-star celebrity. I haven't explored the Late Night expansion much, as I only recently installed it and hadn't played since then, but I think that's where Celebs come from. This woman is a paparazzi member, and she was lurking around outside for some hours, so I finally sent Agnes to go and say hi. She seemed very enthused to talk about unicorns with her. I also noticed she's wearing a similar outfit to Agnes, just with different colours. She must be a very big fan.

Agnes: "And I'm telling you, they don't exist. I've never seen one, and I think you should know better at your age" *grump grump*

A sleepover in the bungalow tree house, with all of her friends. Again, inviting friends and building relationships for the future. Gotta start young! That's Mitzi, climbing the ladder.

Leif's not neglecting his social life either, though between work, practicing his guitar and charisma skills and all the other stuff, it's amazing he has time at all. Here he is in the park with an old friend, enjoying the outdoors and having a nice picnic, (Loves the Outdoors being one of his traits). He still gets invited to parties frequently too, usually by rich Sims (which I still haven't figured out). There seem to be lots of rich sims in my Sunset Valley!

Agnes is also visiting with her friend, because we had a phone call reminding us she hasn't got long left to live. Lol. She harassed the world with her cane, and they spent time together at the library, having a good gossip and catching up. Apparently it was an average outing and her dear friend departed the world the next day. Rats. Maybe we should have gone out to eat and see a movie instead.

Run Alisha, don't be late for that school bus! ( I did have a pic of the bus but I'm sure you all have seen that yellow bus a million times so I omitted it). Just to show you that she has got another change of clothes. I like taking pictures of my Sims in different outfits. And of course, there's a bit of orange on this too. I don't know how favourite colours could affect Sims other than putting it somewhere on their belongings, house and clothing choices, so that's why I'm doing it. 

Leif and Agnes, er...well I forgot. I was too busy with other things to remember. Agnes likes spice brown though and their house is full of brown. And Leif's hair is 'red brown' so...

Mitzi has apparently been visiting again. Love the blue and green ensemble! The rainbow umbrellas are nice too. 

My sims have umbrellas, but they often forget to use them. NPC sims always whip them out at the slightest bit of rain. Although, Alisha can't help it as I never bought her one. I should do that. An orange one. :D

See what I mean? No umbrella! Leif's just pelting for the house as fast as he can. Lol. 

And looking at that plant thing in the far right is making me realise how much I dislike it. I think I prefer it without a big round stand underneath, so it looks like the leaves are coming out of the ground. Later I removed it. XD It was a bit of an eyesore. Maybe the white flower bushes are not so fitting either.

 Can you guess Alisha's after-school activity? She's in scouts. She's earned some badges, which she likes to show off to people occasionally. Everyone's just having some downtime after work and school, dancing, and socialising. I like to keep 'em in a good mood.

Those stray cats from before...I can see what Agnes was concerned about. Our couch now essentially reads 'kitty waz here'! I think it adds character, but my sims all seem to disagree. Spoilsports.

 When she's not being stalked by playing with Hesper, Alisha still likes to play with her teddy bear. It increases her fun meter surprisingly fast, and it's cute to watch. She's only got a few days left as a kid so she may as well play with it while she can.

And Rose is making another visit. For something that was meant to have died, ghosts are very much like live sims. Every so often, she'll just pop out of her urn to say hello and sleep on the couch. Leif is naturally happy to see his old friend, and gives her hugs and attention. Good old Rose, I sort of wish she'd lived longer.

We're catching up with Marshall again. Alisha's going to age up really soon and it'd be good to keep in touch. Out of the handful of kids she has met, I think he's the most likely to be dragged into our housacy craziness, so we'll hook him now and start reeling him in later, ahaha! 

Bing! You're teenage sim is now done! Yay, finally, she's grown into a teen, with a new wardrobe and a bit of a makeover. I celebrated a little when this happened. Not with a cake, I just let her age up on her own, but because it means we're one step closer to making the next house. I've decided two things about her so far. The next house will be modern, and she will become a stylist when she moves out. She will also adopt 6 strays somewhere in all of that. 

I gave her room a bit of an update as well. The vase of flowers are ones she collected, when I thought  it might be fun to collect different items. I'll have to start that up again. One bunch of flowers is a bit small for a collection.

One of the first things to do was to go to the Summer Festival. With Louie Dean, her old babysitter. XD They had a delightful time,water balloon fight being first on the list, and thankfully no glitches. I figure he's a friend, so she may as well stay connected. Apart from Mitzi, Chuck and Marshall, he's her only other friend. 

A great day for a water fight. Though Louie's attire does look a bit hot. Sims aren't very good at dressing themselves. That's my opinion. Hence Alisha becoming a stylist can help the whole town, so that people don't end up wearing long pants and vests on a sizzling summer day and pairing beanie hats with watermelon tops and blue sneakers. 

Oh no! Looks like someone pranked the face painting booth. That's not the sunny sun we asked for. In fact, it appears to be some sort Ha ha.

Alisha: "I think they got me mixed up with someone else"

Bwa ha ha! You look great, really.  

Oh dear, she's not having a good run of luck right now. First the face painting went wrong and now the old man is taking a while at the snowcone machine. Patience is a virtue my Sim. 

Alisha: "How long does it take to choose a flavour? Hmf" 

Elder Sim: "Hmm...this doesn't look like the ice cream machine. How do you work this thing?" 

Eventually she got her rainbow snow cone. At least some things turned out well. 

"Now this looks tasty!" 

With 35 screenshots, I shall leave it there so she can eat her delicious frosty treat in peace. Bye for now. Thanks for reading.

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