Saturday 24 September 2016

Honey's Housacy Blog Chapter 3 Part 4

Hey and welcome back to another chapter of Honey's Housacy Challenge! I don't care that I have no readers. I am doing this for my own entertainment so who really cares? At least I can say that I've done it! Anyway, on with the blog!

Here, you can see a top down view of our lovely log cabin. There are no pine trees because it says in the Housacy rules that you are not allowed to change the lot you are on, which I guess means no landscaping??? I'm not really sure. Either way, I've long since forgotten why I took this picture and I suppose it's to show you the layout of the house or something. The twin's rooms are at the back. Capsican on the right, Caspian on the left. These two are as different as night and day and I hope their bedspreads convey that XD  Lisa's busy doing some late night painting to achieve her wish of decorating the house with 15 pictures. And Brent's in the shower.

Oh no! What's this? It looks like our washing machine has gone crazy. It's spewing soap suds and leaking water everywhere. Brent I hope you can fix this. I know you have more than one handiness point. 

Brent: "Darn stupid washing machine! Why can't we get a better model?" 

Because I like the design of this one, that's why. 

Brent: "Boooo!" 

By the way, how much washing powder did you add to it? 

Brent: "Um...all of it?" 

Duh! Stupid Sims. 

Oh Caspian, you're awake. I guess I sent you to bed too early. 

Caspian: "No, silly. I'm posing on my bed for the readers. So they can see how I look now that I'm a teen. You didn't include the pictures last time"  

Oh of course. That's right, the twins finally aged up. You can still see how different they are. Caspian's blonde and outdoorsy with amber eyes and a lighter skin tone that showed more easily when they were toddlers. I don't usually change their hair or eye colour in a legacy because I like to see their natural colours to see how the genes are being distributed down through the generations. His traits are adventurous, loves the outdoors and athletic.

Capsican on the other hand, has brown hair, blue eyes, darker skin and is a mermaid. Yes, that's right. This guy has the scales on his legs to prove it! Lisa's legacy will live on through him. I know it's not really fair but I've chosen Capsican as the next heir because of that and the fact that he has an easier LTW than his brother. Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers, just like our founder, Leif, from ages ago. I gave Caspian too many outdoors-loving traits and he wants to be an Illustrious Author. I guess he'll be writing travel magazines and journalism of all his adventures. Trips to Egypt, France and China are in his future. Capsican's traits are: grumpy, artistic and friendly.   

 Both boys are sick of school but they help each other with their homework, even when they'd rather be doing something else. 

Capsican: "My brain feels like it's run an entire race today. I hate this dumb homework" 

Caspian: "Just get it over with so dad doesn't ground us, bro"

Capsican finishes his homework and goes to spend some quality time with his girlfriend, Cynthia Bustamante. He's been friends with her since they were little, so he already has a head start in his choice of a future wife. Plus they are totally smitten with each other! Sure Cynthia has a little extra pounds, but Capsican thinks she looks beautiful and doesn't care.  

Capsican: "That's right, I love my cuddly, soft honey bear" *smooch*  

Cynthia: "Ohh, I love you too fishy boy!" *kiss*

Looks like the first day of  Spring is finally here! There's frost on the lawn but the days are warming up and everyone's looking forward to the flowers and the Spring festival in the local park. Capsican and Caspian head off for another day of school. I'm glad winter is over. It feels so long and cold when autumn's rain and frosts precede it.  And I think Caspian's happy not to freeze in his current clothing choices.

While her sons are at school, Lisa continues taking jobs for her stylist career. She meets another person who looked just like her before she married Brent, with the same colour scales and a similar hair style. Can't remember her name but I think she's happy with her new purple wardrobe. I on the other hand, am getting a bit tired of styling sims around town because it takes so much time to load the clothes and it's such a lengthy process of picking out all these outfits. And then all your hard work disappears when the Sim ages up into randomized clothes again. Sure, it's an endless stream of work which is good for the wallet but it gets tedious having to do it over and over, nearly every day (as the player, not the Sim. Lisa probably loves her job!).

 Umm, okay I don't remember why Capsican's sad here or what is going on. But Brent seems to be trying to cheer him up, which is good. Caspian's working towards his LTW with a bit of illustration practice. 

Brent: "There there son, it'll be okay" 

Capsican: "Thanks dad. I sure wish I could remember what I was upset for"

Lisa and Brent are still spending time together, and their relationship is good. Lisa's very ambitious and constantly talks about her career. Brent happily listens and talks about his dream job as the director of a symphony orchestra. 

Lisa: "I can hardly wait to reach the top of my Stylist career. I swear I've styled every Sim in this town twice over though. What do you do, once you achieve your lifetime wish?" 

Brent: "Well, you just find other things to do that makes you happy. Socializing, hanging out with friends, seeing a concert, taking on a new hobby, you know. There's always things to do"  

Lisa: "I know. I just wonder if you ever get bored. I don't think I ever will be. I love giving makeovers. I could do it all day, every day!" 

Brent: "Well honey, that's kind of what you already do. If we didn't have our talks like this I'm afraid we'd never spend any time together. That purple underwear looks really nice with your scales by the way"

Lisa: "Oh thanks! I picked it out myself" 

Looks like Lisa was right about everyone in town using her services! Cynthia Bustamante came into the salon to get a makeover and doesn't she look sweet in that skirt? I like it much better than those grey sweatpants she had on. Congrats on another job well done, Lisa! 

Okay, I don't know if I've ever showed anyone his mermaid form yet but he got salt water deficiency and we had to take a trip to the ocean to prevent him from turning back into a human, so here's Capsican being a mermaid! He makes no sense at all. He has bright orange and yellow scales on his legs and what colour is his tail? White?! And what happened to all of his hair? Capsican, please tell me you did not shave all of it off to make some kind of statement or something. Or is that a mermaid thing? 

Capsican:  "I don't know! I just hopped in the water and it all fell out. And I have no idea what's with my tail either. I'm thinking it might be a glitch" 

Yeah...I'm...gonna find a way to fix this.

It's a sunny spring day and Lisa's finished all her work for the day. Now she can relax and unwind in our brand new swimming pool! It has a water slide, a diving board and these neat pool loungers that everyone steals and walks off with in their inventories. I'm pretty sure building the pool was her idea, and she seems to be getting points for it. It really does look inviting. 

Lisa: "Now we can have pool parties! Yay!" 

Ah, you see, Capsican isn't the only one with a girlfriend. This girl here is Angel Oakwood, and like Cynthia, she and Caspian have known each other since they were in elementary together. I'm hoping they'll get married in future, but I suppose time will tell. In the meantime I'll just keep their relationship scores high and hope no other sims try to claim her. 

Caspian: "If they do, I'll just steal her back! Angel, would you come to the prom with me?" 

Angel: "Oh wow, these are so pretty. Thank you. Yes, I will come to the dance with you"

Judging by the witches' hat, she appears to be a witch. But I'm not sure. I haven't seen her using any magic.  

Off they go to one of many school dances that are held throughout the year. Angel looks happy but Capsican doesn't look too thrilled about going, even though he got dressed in formal clothes. I guess that's his grumpy trait showing through. ^_^
Capsican: "I'd rather stay here and pillow fight instead. But Cynthia asked me to come. Ugh, stupid dance, all the girls are excited" 

Caspian's wearing his formal clothes as well. Have fun at the dance with Angel! And keep an eye on your brother, he's in a bad mood about this whole thing.  

Caspian: "I'll try, but I can't make any promises. Angel looks so nice, I don't think I can take my eyes off her"

 Meanwhile, Brent is going to the gym. It's his new hobby ever since reaching the top of his career. He seems to want to work hard at being fit and healthy and rolls lots of wishes to do various forms of exercise. His current one is to work out for 10 hours straight. I don't know if that's actually possible irl, but he's certainly giving his best as a Sim. He just came down to the cafeteria for a quick snack and then he's swimming laps around the pool. You'd never guess he was an orchestra instructor!

Oh no, more homework! When will it ever end? Both the boys are studying hard but for different reasons. Capsican is just barely keeping his head above water with regards to his grades but I suppose that's expected since he is a mermaid. Why so glum? 

Capsicun: "Last night's dance was horrible" 

Caspian: "he got rejected by Cynthia for having a bad attitude, then he got in a fight. After that he made fun of this really cool guy who's a computer nerd at our school and got made fun of by everyone when the nerd left him on his ass. It was hilarious"  *snicker snicker* 

Capsican: "Oh shut up, you. Just because your night was perfect. He had his first kiss and fell in love with Angel Oakley. And they were the prom king and queen. It was absolutely sickening" 

Caspian: "Be nice or I won't let you copy my homework for yesterdays' biology lesson"

Capsican and Cynthia are getting along much better the next time they meet. I think it helps that Capsican is not grumpy right now and seems to be in a good mood and regretting what he's done.
Capsican: "Sorry about the dance the other night. I didn't mean to ruin it for you. You looked really pretty in that dress" 

Cynthia: "Oh, Capsican, I can never stay mad at you. Just promise me you'll do better at the next one" 

Capsican: "I'll try" 

Cynthia: "Thank you"

 Capsican: "I got these for you. As an apology" 

Cynthia: "Apology accepted. Oh my gosh, these smell lovely!"

Looks like she might still be possible marriage material! Good thing Capsican didn't blow it. I think she will make a really cute addition to the family.

Lisa, on the other hand is not doing so well. I told her to go and fix the TV because I wanted her to just relax and watch TV for a while and it exploded. And then she got electrocuted. I think I can smell burning fish. 

Lisa: "Ow, that was unpleasant. I nearly became a piece of sushi! And my outfit is ruined!" 

Well I don't care if your outfit is ruined. I want this TV to work properly, so just get in there and fix it! Then you can take a nice shower. 

BZZZZZZZZZTTT!!! mistake...

I told her to repair the TV again because I was feeling impatient and wanted the darn thing to work already. But she got electrocuted again for the second time. Her handiness skill was pretty low. Oh well, I was getting tired of doing all those makeovers anyway! Sorry Lisa. 

Lisa: "I hate this TV!!!! >:( "

 Flump! There goes Brent's wife. I'm sure he's not going to be too happy about that. Oh well, accidents happen. She'll come back as a ghost. It'll be fiiiinnne. *waves hand* 

Lisa: *crickle crackle*

Now it really smells like burnt fish in here. 

Brent was eating a sandwich in the other room and came running in to see the tragedy. 

Brent: "Whyyyy, oh whyyy? I loved that TV! boo hoo hoo" 

Umm....Brent...your wife...down your feet... vvvvv

Brent: "Oh no! Whyyy, whyyy? I loved my wife...and I never got to finish my sandwich...sob sob"

Grimmy: "Oh it's you guys again. Why am I not surprised at having to come back here early? Oh well, better get to work. I don't get paid to stand around and make chit chat all day. Let's see, this is, two,, you still have a long way to go before this challenge legacy is over"   

Brent: "Don't remind me, sob sniff" 

Grimmy: *sniff sniff* "Why does it smell like burnt salmon in here? Oh, that's right, she's a mermaid"

Brent: *snnnrkk!* "Was. WAS a mermaid, boo hoo hoo"

Grim Reaper does his job and coaxes Lisa's spirit forth from the charred remains of her body. Brent cries all over his sandwich. The stupid TV is still broken.

Brent unhappily watches as the ghost of his wife floats before his eyes. 

Lisa: "Huh, I feel strange. More...crackly, and light" 

Grimmy: "Your new hair style makes for an interesting fashion statement where I come from. Feel free to join the group for all the newly deceased this evening. We hold it every day, three times a day, and there's a special group for those who died by electrocution. They're a nice bunch, all that positive energy"  

Lisa: "Well I suppose I may as well try to enjoy my afterlife"

Brent decided to repair the TV to prevent anyone else having a one way ticket to the afterlife. While Caspian and Capsicun slowly find out what happened. Brent's heart is broken. He truly loved his mermaid girl. 

Caspian: "Where's mum? I heard her scream, and lots of crackling. And why is there an urn on the coffee table?" 

Brent: "The grim reaper paid a visit" 

Caspian: "Wait...oh no...she died?!"  

Okay, well, Capsicun hasn't quite found out yet. He's at a party at Cynthia's house with her family. He was at the Spring festival when he got invited over, hence the clown makeup. 

I think this guy here is Cynthia's brother but I'm not sure because I forgot to write down notes. This is a strange dance they were doing together. The blond guy has blue scales which means we found another mermaid. There must be lots of them in Sunset Valley. Again, the guests have mismatched clothes. It seems sims just can't dress themselves.

Capsican and Cynthia dance together to the tunes coming out of the stereo.They're having a lot of fun. Poor Capsican. I suppose ignorance is bliss right now. But he's not gonna be happy when he gets home.

Caspian talks about his grief over losing his mother. Brent listens and offers condolences. Both of them are very, very sad that Lisa has passed away.

Caspian: "Now that it's just you and me, dad, I think we should look out for each other. Mum would have wanted us to"

Brent: "You're right, son. Mum will be looking at us from heaven. She would want us to be happy. Let's do our best for her" 

Life goes on, and as the days pass, Caspian and his family pick themselves up and try to carry on with life, the way Lisa would have wanted them to. Caspian is still spending lots of time with his girlfriend, Angel Oakley. I am still not sure if that hat means she's a witch because I haven't played any witches myself yet. Or maybe it's just a random fashion accessory? Guess we will find out when he marries her and I get to take control.

Spring turns into Summer and the pool looks more inviting than ever! Brent decides to have some relaxation and fun while he has the time. He floats around on a pool lounger, wondering what Lisa is up to in the afterlife and if she is watching him right now. He hopes she isn't jealous. This is a pretty sweet pool.

Brent gets tired of swimming after a few hours and goes inside to make some lunch since he's worked up an appetite. Unfortunately, he heats things up a little too much and soon the kitchens' as hot as the summer sun. BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP!

Good thing we have a fire alarm.

Brent: "Ugh, what's that awful noise?" 

Brent: "Ahhhh! Oh my god, the oven's on fire! Is this how I'm going to die? Lisa by electrocution and me by the flames? Oh no, what do I do?! Fire! Fire! Someone, help!"

Brent: "Oh wait, I have a fire extinguisher"

Ha ha. Silly Brent. Hurry up and get it then before your kitchen turns to ash.

Brent's fire extinguisher isn't doing much to fight the flames. Fortunately, a fireSim shows up and helps get things back under control!

Brent: "Thank god you're here! My house is made of logs. I was pretty sure the whole place was going to catch alight"

FireSim: "That's what we're here for, sir"

The fire isn't the only scary event in Sunset Valley. On the way home after school, Capsican collapsed due to not being able to have a shower before he left home that morning, and getting dehydrated; a fatal condition for a mermaid.

Capsican: "Gasp, choke, getting...dizzy..."

Luckily Caspian is there to see what happened. And this creepy vampire guy.

Caspian : "Eyes off my brother, mate. He's not dead yet! Hang on Caps. I'll get some water!" 

Caspian ran and got a bucket of water and poured it out on Capsican just in time. The vampire leaves, disappointed, but Capsican is glad to be alive. "Thanks bro. That was a close one"

Caspian: "I'm never stealing your shower again. You need it more than me. Let's go home. I'll call a taxi"

What's the best way to have fun after doing your grueling high school homework? Playing hopscotch of course! Caspian gives their new grid a spin, hopping and jumping around with abandon. 

Capsican meanwhile, heads for a more watery activity, opting to try the spa pool with Brent. The bubbles are great fun and feel wonderful on the skin.  

Brent: "That's just what I said. Come on in, son!"

Caspian joins his family. The water feels great. I suppose it was a good idea to indulge Brent's wishes for hot tubs and sim Gnubb. Our lawn has lots of things to do now. Part of the challenge rules said you're not allowed to change the lot that you're on so I hope that this isn't cheating.

Capsican: "Boy, this sure takes a weight off"

Caspian "Move over, make room for me"

Brent: *Zen mode* "Siiiiiigh"

Okay, this only just occurred to me to do, even though they've been here for a while. Capsican's favourite colour is hot pink and Caspian's is violet. I have no idea how else these two things could be represented in my sim's lives apart from the 'what's your favourite colour?' conversation, so I decided that they liked their fave colours so much, they may as well wear them. Hence we have Capsican in a hot pink shirt and Caspian with a violet singlet. See you guys, have fun at school. I hope you don't get teased too much.

While the boys are at school it gets kind of lonely, so Brent invited some friends around for a bit of entertainment and socialization. The water slide is an instant hit. Man, I wish I had one of those. Benjamen Montalvo (I think that's how you spell his name), was impressed with Brent's sliding capabilities.

Uh oh! Capsican's skipping school to get rid of his salt water desperation. As a mermaid, he has to swim in salt water when that moodlet appears, otherwise he'll turn back into a human and we don't want that! Lisa's mermaid legacy must live on. Weirdly, Caps has a white tail and a shaved head when he transforms. I still haven't figured out how to fix it. That is until I looked on Google for answers. If you go into the mirror and choose the option to change scales colour, you can fix it from there. I changed his scales to white to match his tail and make actual sense, and I kept his current hair style. I saved the changes and now when he transforms, he's got his proper hair and his tail colour makes sense. I'm rather sad that we can't move around to different lands or worlds for this challenge, but I think for my next challenge I'll pick a new place and a new challenge theme. Maybe the 100 babies, or a regular Legacy, or a mermaidacy. We will see. I better finish this one first. 

The night of a full moon rolls around one summer night, and Lisa's ghost decides to pay her family a visit. She enters the log cabin house through the portal into this world; her urn. Lisa's hair is looking a lot more styled than when she left us earlier. I guess she must have had time to relax and get a makeover in heaven.

Lisa: "Hmm, it's so quiet here. Where is everyone?"

Um, I think they are in bed sleeping since it's the middle of the night.

Oh no, I spoke wrong. Brent was awake and going for a glass of water when he met her in the hall. The two were happy to see each other again and spent time talking and interacting, keeping their voices down so as not to wake the teens.

Lisa: "I've missed you. Heaven is wonderful, Brent. I can't wait to see you there. They gave me a pass so I can visit whenever I want. How are the boys doing?"

Brent: "Hi my little mermaid. They are doing well. I grounded Capsican when I found out he skipped school but then he told me it was due to saltwater deficiency and I thought instantly of you and understood. He's not grounded now. Also, he and Caspian both still have girlfriends and their school grades are doing well"

Lisa: "And how are you?"

Brent: "Well I was heartbroken after my wife died, but I've been trying to live life the way you would have wanted for us"

Lisa: "That's good. By the way, I love the boys' new fashion choices. They must get that from me"

She had to leave when dawn came. Brent had things to do around the house anyway. He did some laundry and hung it out, then contemplated the strange little fellow that appeared from the dryer static one day. Or at least, I think that's where he came from. He is a cute kitty cat laundry gnome and we can't bear to get rid of him. He pops up around the house and all over the place.

Brent: "seems like he's being the pool lifeguard today. He has many talents. I swear I caught him watching TV once"

Oh, look at this! Where did all these balloons come from? Someone must be having a party. That's right, someone is having a party today. The weather is perfect for it and there's lots of things to do both outside the house and in it. 

The spa pool, buffet table, candy floss machine, chess table and a cake table awaits the party guests. Caspian tests out the hopscotch mat to make sure it's all working correctly. 

On the other side awaits a horseshoes court, Gnubb, and the water slide and pool. The guests will have so many things to do they are bound to have a great time.

Brent calls up all his friends, old and new, and the party begins. 

Brent: "Who's this cake for? It looks amazing!" 

That's for you, Brent. It's a Summer cake I downloaded! Happy Birthday! (I think I got it on The Sims Resource. I'm pretty sure I mentioned earlier in my legacy where to get these. A quick Google search ought to locate them easily enough because right now I can't remember). The expression on Brent's face is adorable. He looks so surprised! :D  Caspian's just wondering why we got so many balloons. 

Brent blows out the candles and makes a wish. The party guests start to arrive and cheer for him. 

Brent: "Happy birthday to me! Woooo!"

Everyone claps and cheers. Everyone not distracted by the lady in the spa pool that is. 

All the guests finally assemble and cheer for Brent, wishing him a great birthday. Brent is so excited and happy to see all his friends. I think there's about four werewolfs on the left. Brent sure makes some strange friends. Angel Oakley is the woman in back right with the scales on her legs (she aged up from a teen). It seems there's no shortage of mermaids in town either. I'm going to change her scales' colour when I get her and Caspian married though, if my plans work out as I hope. 

The sparkles appear! The moment has come. Brent, give us a twirl! (It's a shame Capsican's not here to see this, he had school activities)

Ta da! With a spin and a sparkle, Brent is now an Elder. He spins into some rather comfy looking clothes and a cute, fluffy hairstyle. I'm probably going to change the clothes and appearance. Brent's favourite colour is still red and his clothes need to reflect that. Plus, his mustache disappeared and we can't have that!

Everyone rushes forward to get a slice of the delicious looking cake. It appears as normal cake once it's cut into pieces. I'm not sure why. I just pretend it's different. Capsican finally joins the party just in time to nab a piece! Good timing there, Caps.

Capsican: "Whoa, I didn't realise dad had this many friends. He sure is popular"

Yeah. He's a well loved member of society. People love the orchestra concerts he puts on, and love working with him as well. Brent's a pretty nice guy and it shows. Capsican might have more friends if he wasn't so grumpy all the time. Too bad they can't see his grumpiness is just a gruff exterior. At least Caspian knows his brother well enough to know. And some girls go for the angry marshmallow types. Cynthia for one. Caspian is more like a prince. A prince and an Angel; I wonder what their babies will look like.

Karin Crane does the werewolf thing and devours her piece of cake with the best werewolf manners. At least she didn't waste any. She still has red hair from when Lisa styled her ages ago.

Jackie Harrington is having a blast slipping down the water slide. She did this for hours.

Angel Oakley shows off her mermaid scales as she goes to the pool for a swim. She's got Cynthia on her mind, maybe because they are going to be sisters-in-law once the boys are married. For a random costume, her swimming togs are quite pretty.  The flippers are probably unnecessary though. Whoever heard of mermaids needing flippers? XD

Brent's in the spa pool with two of his werewolf buddies. Everyone loves the spa pool. It gets their hygiene meter up too, which I think is a good thing. Don't know when's the last time these two doggies took a bath. Philip Serrano thinks this is a great party. There's so much to do and everyone is friends! All the guests are having a good time.

This is what happens when you have a good cake and a lot of guests. The Summer cake went down a treat. I wanna lick the plate! :P

Apparently cake and a buffet wasn't enough food for our now Elder Sim, Brent. The ice cream truck rolled by and it was a hot, sunny summer day so I figured, why not? He got an ice cold sweet treat from the truck. Perfect way to end a great birthday!

Brent, you are such a cute Grandpa! Your grandkids are going to love you! Stick around so you can see them, okay? Enjoy your ice cream. That looks delicious! 

Brent: Grandkids?! Ohh boy I can't wait!! I'll spoil them rotten! Muahahaha! 

Just to ensure that Brent will be getting those grandkids, Capsican is busy writing a love letter to Cynthia. Caspian can't help but to roll his eyes at the lovey dovey nonsense as he carries in the newspaper to look for an after-school job.

"He's putting hearts and glitter into the envelope. It's so mooshy! Sure, I love Angel, but we don't send love letters, that's way too old fashioned and sickening"

Capsican: "Shut up Caspian, just because you have no sense of true romance!!"

For some reason, I took a picture of Capsican on the water slide. I guess maybe because he fell and landed wrong, and also to show off his board shorts and mer scales. I have no idea why his tail is white when the scales are orange and yellow. But they look nice with the shorts.

Brent has taken a real liking to looking at the stars and outer space. He rolled a wish to find six stars and he's found 4/6 so far~! I just hope he doesn't get abducted by aliens. They've paid my family a visit once or twice in the past so I know they are watching us, just as much as we are watching them.

Though, it would be fun to introduce an alien into the legacy. I didn't see any rules excluding other races. Maybe the gen 5 heir can be our guinea pig for that idea. If it's a boy. I love Mpreg just as much as normal preg! X3

Caspian's learning how to cook for himself. It's about time. One day you're going to move out of home and you have to be able to eat healthy, sustaining foods. The rainbow coloured autumn salad is a nice, easy dish to make and it's healthy too. Good choice, Caspian. Don't chop your fingers off with that knife.

Once again, I felt the need to take a picture of Capsican in his mermaid form because it makes no sense at all! Shaved head, white tail...why, he's practically a different person. He even looks confused.

Capsican: "Who am I? Where am I?"

Don't worry, dear, I'm working on it.

Angel Oakley's over for a visit and to hang out with her Prince Caspian. She also got this out of our fridge and started eating it. It's called Brain Freeze A La Mode and I love the colour. The appearance of a brain...not so much. Must be some kind of ice cream, I think. I like to imagine it's strawberry flavoured. I don't know if I'd be able to eat it irl, I'm squeamish about that stuff.

Aha! Finally found a fix for Capsican's weird problems! You click on a mirror and choose the change scales colour option and then save while your sim has the hairstyle and tail colours you want. It doesn't work unless you edit/change the tail colours though. I changed his to white to match his mermaid tail and I think they look really nice on him.

Et voila! A Capsican with a white tail and proper hair! He makes such a pretty mermaid now. I love watching him swim around everywhere. I told him to scuba dive in the pool, just to see him swim around all over the place.

Splashing his dad out of sheer playful mischief. Brent doesn't seem too thrilled on getting a faceful of water.

Angel must have seen another mermaid and felt free to join the party. She's aged up faster than the boys but they aren't far behind her (about 8 days to go). Once she's under my control, I'm going to change her tail colour because I've seen way too much of this purple on random sims and I want something new and different. A bit of variety, you know? I also went searching the internet for a download of a salt water pool for mermaids because it's a pain having to take them all the way to the beach every time. Alas, I couldn't find anything. So they'll just have keep making the trip.

Sigh, he's just so pretty. I got a bit carried away watching him swim everywhere.

Capsican: "Not another stinking prom dance. I hated the last one. I'm probably going to hate this one too. But I promised Cythia I'd go with her..."

Good luck Capsican. You look so handsome in your hot pink shirt. Just try to smile and not be grumpy okay? Although it's a bit hard when grumpy is one of your traits and your default mood most of the time.

Capsican: "Why do girls like this stuff? Stupid limo, stupid prom, stupid formal clothes..."

I agree, the limousine is a little bit ridiculous for a place like Sunset Valley. Get in, Caps, once you figure out which end is the driver's.

He did go to the prom and had an okay sort of time, but he enjoyed his time at the beach so much more. He got saltwater deficiency again so he had to go for a swim. Perfect weather to do so. Just make sure no one catches you in their nets.

Capsican: "I'm just glad to get out of those stuffy formal clothes. Man, the water's so nice on my skin and scales"

I wish I could make him dive here and explore around, but I think it only works on the mermaid world that comes with mersims. I might try it out on another legacy. He can windsurf, scuba dive, and a few other things so that's good.

Brent was getting stir crazy from spending too much time at home and not going out, so I sent him to enjoy the summer festival while it's on. He played some soccer and got hot and sweaty so I sent him to get an icy cold snow-cone to cool off and regain some energy.

He then gathered with a group of random locals for a water balloon fight, which would be so much fun. It started raining just as they started the game. Wait, I think I recognise two of those sims. Phillip Serrano and Angel Oakley? Guess bumping into people you know is inevitable in a town this small. I don't know who the woman with purple mer scales is. (See what I mean by too much purple?)

To end a brilliant week of summer, I shall leave you with this picturesque image of Capsican cruising in the waves.  This is probably the last time we'll see him as a teenager. In the next chapter get ready for two birthdays, weddings and pregnancy announcements as we strive onwards to generation 5! I will have made it halfway through a legacy (which is actually really hard when I think of how bad I am at making houses).

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